About Excavation Enforcement Final Rule
On July 13, 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced the issuance of a final rule to establish the process for evaluating State excavation damage prevention law enforcement programs and enforcing minimum Federal damage prevention standards in States where damage prevention law enforcement is deemed inadequate or does not exist.
This final rule amends the Federal pipeline safety regulations to establish the following:
- Criteria and procedures PHMSA will use to determine the adequacy of State pipeline excavation damage prevention law enforcement programs;
- The administrative process PHMSA will use in determining the adequacy of State excavation damage prevention law enforcement programs;
- The Federal requirements PHMSA will enforce in States with inadequate excavation damage prevention law enforcement programs; and
- The adjudication process for administrative enforcement proceedings against excavators where Federal authority is exercised.
The development of the review criteria and the subsequent determination of the adequacy of State excavation damage prevention law enforcement programs is intended to (1) encourage States to develop effective excavation damage prevention law enforcement programs to protect the public from the risk of pipeline ruptures caused by excavation damage, and (2) allow for Federal administrative enforcement action in States with inadequate enforcement programs.
Related Links
- PHMSA Excavation Enforcement Actions
- State Pipeline Excavation Damage Data
- Final Rule on Excavation Damage 80 FR 43836
- PHMSA Issues Pipeline Damage Prevention Programs Final Rule (Press Release)
- State Program Managers
Related Documents
- State Damage Prevention Enforcement Program Adequacy
- Excavator Enforcement Rule
- Checklist - State Damage Prevention Law Enforcement Program Evaluation
Contact Us
Pipeline Excavation Enforcement
U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
United States
If you have questions or an excavation safety concern, please email
Phone: 202-366-4595
Business Hours:
9:00am-5:00pm ET, M-F