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Archived Pipeline Rulemakings: 1989-1990

Pipeline Rulemakings from 1989-1990
FR DateRule NameDocket NumberRulemaking ActionRulemaking PhaseCitation Link
12/20/1990Excess flow valves installation on service linesPS-118advance notice of proposed rulemakingANPRM55 FR 52188
10/31/1990Transportation of hazardous liquids at twenty percent or less specified minimum yield strengthPS-117advance notice of proposed rulemakingANPRM55 FR 45822
9/20/1990Grants for state pipeline safety programs; state adoption of one-call damage prevention programPS-116final ruleFR55 FR 38688
7/27/1990Gas detection and monitoring in compressor station buildingsPS-100notice of proposed rulemakingNPRM55 FR 30724
7/24/1990Control of drug use and alcohol misuse in natural gas, liquefied natural gas, and hazardous liquid pipeline operationsPS-102direct final ruleDFR62 FR 67293
7/11/1990Grants for state pipeline safety programs; state adoption of one-call damage prevention programPS-116notice of proposed rulemakingNPRM55 FR 28419
6/8/1990Proposals for Pipeline Safety; Request for CommentPS-93advance notice of proposed rulemaking-disposition of safety proposalsANPRM55 FR 23514
1/9/1990Control of drug use in natural gas, liquefied natural gas, and hazardous liquid pipeline operationsPS-102correction to final ruleFR55 FR 797
12/18/1989Control of drug use in natural gas, liquefied natural gas, and hazardous liquid pipeline operationsPS-102final rule partial grant of a petition for reconsiderationFR54 FR 51842
12/18/1989Gas Pipeline Operating Above 72 Percent of Specified Minimum Yield StrengthPS-115advance notice of proposed rulemaking-correctionANPRM54 FR 51816
12/11/1989Gas Pipeline Operating Above 72 Percent of Specified Minimum Yield StrengthPS-115advance notice of proposed rulemakingANPRM54 FR 50780
12/1/1989Procedures for Transporation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing ProgramsOST-45928final ruleFR54 FR 49854
11/6/1989Amendment of an Operator's plans or proceduresPS-114notice of proposed rulemakingNPRM54 FR 46684
11/2/1989Alcohol Abuse prevention program for the Transportation IndustryOST-Docket-46574advance notice of proposed rulemakingANPRM54 FR 46326
10/12/1989Transportation of carbon dioxide by pipelinePS-112notice of proposed rulemakingNPRM54 FR 41912
10/4/1989Transportation of gas or hazardous liquid by pipeline; new telephonic numbers for reporting incidents; accidents, and safety-related conditionsPS-111final rule technical amendmentFR54 FR 40878
8/9/1989Transporting of gas by pipeline; Marking of materialsPS-103final ruleFR54 FR 32641
8/7/1989Pipeline Safety; Steel Pipe.PS-110final rule correctionFR54 FR 32344
8/7/1989Transportation of gas and hazardous liquids by pipeline; Reporting Safety Related Conditions; Discovery of Conditions by Smart Pigs; Enforcement RulesPS-109final ruleFR54 FR 32342
7/28/1989Incorporation by refence of portions of American Petroleum Institute Standard 1104, Seventeenth edition, 1988PS-108correction to a final ruleFR54 FR 31405
7/3/1989Incorporation by refence of portions of American Petroleum Institute Standard 1104, Seventeenth edition, 1988PS-108 final ruleFR54 FR 27881
6/27/1989Determining the extent of corrosion on gas pipelinesPS-107notice of proposed rulemakingNPRM54 FR 27041
6/19/1989Confirmation or revision of maximum allowable operating pressure; alternative methodPS-97final rule correction of amendment numberFR54 FR 25716
6/7/1989Transportation of Hydrogen Sulfide by PipelinesPS-106advance notice of proposed rulemaking ANPRM54 FR 24361
6/6/1989Confirmation or revision of maximum allowable operating pressure; alternative methodPS-97final ruleFR54 FR 24173
4/23/1989Excess flow valves installation on service linesPS-118notice of proposed rulemakingNPRM58 FR 21524
2/6/1989Gas and hazardous liquid pipelines; referenced standards deletion affecting iron, steel, and copper pipe and other materialsPS-95final ruleFR54 FR 5628
2/3/1989Exception from pressure testing; non-welded tie-in jointsPS-98final rule response to petitions for reconsideration of final ruleFR54 FR 5484
1/13/1989Control of drug use in natural gas, liquefied natural gas, and hazardous liquid pipeline operationsPS-102modification of final rule implementation dateFR54 FR 14922