GT IM Key Documents
Documents related to the Gas Transmission Pipeline Integrity Management process are available below. The most recent documents are listed first.
- March 26, 2019: Final Guidance on the Extension of the 7-Year Integrity Management Reassessment Interval (FAQs)
- October 2016: PHMSA Inspection Reassessment Intervals Guidance for Less than 7 Years
- February 2011: Gas Transmission Integrity Management Progress Report
- November 1, 2010: Guidelines for Integrity Assessment of Cased Pipe for Gas Transmission Pipelines in HCAs, Revision 1
- April 10, 2008: Letter from PHMSA to AGA; Re: Use of ECDA on Cased Pipelines for Completion of Baseline Assessments
- July 17, 2007: Gas Transmission Rule (Corrected)
- December 29, 2006: Advisory Bulletin:"Senior Executive Signature and Certification of IM Program Performance Reports"
- September 2006: GAO Reports on Gas Integrity Management
- July 29, 2005: Advisory Bulletin:"Integrity Management Notifications for Gas Transmission Lines"
- May 09, 2005: Notification Review Process
- January 21, 2005: Advisory Bulletin for Performance Measure Reporting
- July 22, 2004: Advisory Bulletin:"Semi-annual Reporting of Performance Measures for Gas Transmission Pipeline Integrity Management"
- June 28, 2004: Internal Inspection Device Rule
- May 26, 2004: Gas Transmission Rule (Corrected)
- December 15, 2003: Gas Transmission Rule (as published in Federal Register)
- October 8, 2003: Pipeline Safety: Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Threat to Gas and Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
- November 17, 2003: Notice "Pipeline Safety: Guidance on When the Baseline Integrity Assessment Begins"
- July 17, 2003: Advisory Bulletin: "Identified Sites as Part of High Consequence Areas for Gas Integrity Management Programs"
- February 3, 2003: Advisory Bulletin: "Required Submission of Data to the National Pipeline Mapping System Under the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002"
- January 28, 2003: RIN 2137-AD54 - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking "Pipeline Integrity Management in High Consequence Areas"
- August 6, 2002: RIN 2137-AD64 - Final Rule "High Consequence Areas for Gas Transmission Pipelines"
- January 9, 2002: RIN 2137-AD64 - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking "High Consequence Areas for Gas Transmission Pipelines"
Technical Reports
The following reports are intended to serve as a technical resource for OPS and State pipeline safety inspectors evaluating operators' integrity management (IM) programs. Inspectors consider information from a number of sources in determining the adequacy of each IM program. Development of these reports was funded via a Congressional appropriation specifically designated for implementation of IM oversight. These and other similar reports are separate and distinct from the work products associated with and funded via OPS's R&D Program.
- Guidelines for Integrity Assessment of Cased Pipe for Gas Transmission Pipelines in HCAs, Revision 1, November 2010
- Mechanical Damage in Pipelines, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr., April 2009
- Pipeline Corrosion, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr. Inc., November 2008
Pipeline Corrosion Poster - Comparison of US and Canadian Transmission Pipeline Consensus Standards, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr. Inc., May 2008
- Understanding Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Signals from Mechanical Damage in Pipelines - Phase I, September 18, 2007
- Evaluating the Stability of Manufacturing and Construction Defects in Natural Gas Pipelines, April 2007
- Validity of Standard Defect Assessment Methods for the Alliance Pipeline Operating at 80% of SMYS, October 2006
- TTO-13, Potential Impact Radius Formulae for Flammable Gases Other Than Natural Gas Subject to 49 CFR 192, June 2005
- TTO-14, Derivation of Potential Impact Radius Formulae for Vapor Cloud Dispersion Subject to 49 CFR 192, January 2005
- Stress Corrosion Cracking Study with Database, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr., Inc., January 2005
- Integrity Characteristics of Vintage Pipelines, INGAA Foundation, Inc., November 2004
- TTO-10, Dent Study, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr., Inc., November 2004
- TTO-11, Pipe Wrinkle Study Final Report, Michael Baker Jr., Inc., October 2004
- TTO-06, Spike Hydrostatic Test Evaluation, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr.,Inc., July 16, 2004
- TTO-07, Inspection Guidelines for Timely Response to Geometry Defects, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr., Inc., July 2004
- Use of MFL Tools to Detect Hard Spots, Duckworth and Eiber, June 2004
- TTO-05, Low Frequency ERW and Lap Welded Longitudinal Seam Evaluation, Final Report, Michael Baker Jr., Inc., April 2004.
(Note added April 16, 2018: This technical report is under review by PHMSA for clarification or revision to address concerns with the evaluation of susceptibility of low frequency electric resistance welded pipe to seam failure. PHMSA expects to post additional information on its website and reference it here when this review is complete.) - TTO-04 Pipe Wrinkle Integrity Determination - Final Report - Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., May 14, 2003
- Remote Controlled Valves Feasibility, September 1999