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GT Integrity Assurance (formerly IM) Notifications

PHMSA gas transmission integrity management regulations require operators to submit the notifications listed below.

  • Program §192.909(b) ...any change to the program that may substantially affect the program's implementation or may significantly modify the program or schedule for carrying out the program elements...
  • Repair §192.933(a)(1) ...if the operator cannot meet the schedule for evaluation and remediation required under paragraph (c) of this section and cannot provide safety through temporary reduction in operating pressure or other action...
  • Pressure §192.933(a)(2) ...when a pressure reduction exceeds 365 days, the operator must notify PHMSA and explain the reasons for the remediation delay...
  • Technology §192.937(c)(4) ...other technology that an operator demonstrates can provide an equivalent understanding of the condition of the line pipe...

Click here to view summary information about notifications submitted by operators.

PHMSA's regulations include two methods for operators to submit notifications.

Operators should provide pertinent information about the reason for the notification and the pipeline system, or systems, relevant to the notification. Operators are reminded that PHMSA regulations require operators to provide certain notifications to State pipeline safety agencies.

Methods for Submittal to PHMSA

By e-mail to:

By mail:

ATTN: Information Resources Manager
East Building, 2nd Floor (PHP-20), E22-321
1200 New Jersey Ave SE
Washington, DC 20590