Cylinder Requalifiers
Independent Inspection Agencies/3rd Party Approval Agencies
Termination of COVID RIN Guidance Waiver April 15, 2021
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) intends to allow the current COVID RIN waiver policy to expire on April 15, 2021. After April 15, 2021, RIN applications must comply with the requirements of 49 CFR § 107.805. PHMSA makes this announcement with the intention of ensuring that all RIN holders can submit for renewal at least 60 days prior to the expiration date of their approval, in accordance with 49 CFR § 107.705(c), by submitting a request in writing to For those who are unable to submit 60 days prior to the expiration of their approval, PHMSA will review and process such applications, as required, on a case-by-case basis, to ensure continued RIN service. Please contact Duane Cassidy, Chief of the Pressure Vessels Branch, phone no. 202-366-5794, or email , with any questions you may have.
Extension of RIN Guidance When No Onsight Inspection Can Be Accomplished
Extension of RIN Guidance When No Onsight Inspection Can Be Accomplished
A person must meet the requirements of 49 CFR Sections 107.805, 180.211, and 180.212 to be approved to inspect, test, certify, repair, or rebuild a cylinder in accordance with a DOT specification or a UN pressure receptacle under subpart C of part 178 or subpart C of part 180, or under the terms of a special permit issued under this part.
RIN Locator
(This online tool will assist with finding approved Requalification (RIN) and Visual Inspection of Cylinder facilities authorized to requalify / recertify cylinders.)
The Cylinder Requalification Locator at allows you to search for an approved cylinder requalifier. By entering a city/state or zip code, this tool will provide a list of approved cylinder requalifiers including address, contact information, and the authorized testing methods and cylinder specifications for the approved entity.
Note: Any errors in the posted data should be reported to PHMSA via Updates will be posted within 24 hours and should be visible within approximately 1-2 business days.
Each applicant must arrange for an independent inspection agency, approved by the Associate Administrator, to perform a review of its inspection or requalification operation. The person seeking approval must bear the cost of the inspection. If the inspection performed by an independent inspection agency is completed with satisfactory results, the applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from the independent inspection agency, an inspection report, and an application containing the information prescribed in Section 107.705(a) and 107.805(c)(1)(2)(3)(4). A blank application has been attached for your convenience.
Procedures and Applications
49 CFR References sites for Cylinder Requalifier
Authorized DOT Cylinder Requalifiers Listing
- Instructions for submitting HM74 Advanced Deposits and Updated Electronic Funds Transfer Form
- Authorized DOT Cylinder Requalifiers (Domestic)
- Authorized DOT Cylinder Requalifiers (Foreign)
Additional Applications and Procedures
- Requesting an Approval
- Procedures for Application for Approval to Requalify DOT Cylinders (US)
- Procedures for Application for Approval to Requalify DOT Cylinders (Foreign)
- Application for Approvals of Foreign DOT Cylinder Requalification Facility
- Application for Mobile Unit
Independent Inspection Agencies/3rd Party Approval Agencies
Independent Inspection Agencies:
Each applicant must arrange for an independent inspection agency, approved by the Associate Administrator, to perform a review of its inspection or requalification operation.
- Reference Site: 49 CFR Part 107.801
Designated Approval Agencies:
Any organization or person seeking designation as an approval or certification agency shall apply in writing to the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety (PHH-32), Department of Transportation, East Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington DC 20590-0001.
- Reference Site: 49 CFR Part 107.401
- Reference Site: 49 CFR Part 107.402