Withdrawal of notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Research and Special Programs Administration--the predecessor agency to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)--and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued final rules in 1980 requiring that a manifest accompany each shipment of hazardous waste during transportation. In 49 CFR 172.205, PHMSA provided that the uniform manifest "may be used as the shipping paper required by" the Hazardous Materials Regulations, so long as it contained all the required information. On May 22, 2001, EPA published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to revise the hazardous waste manifest system. One of EPA's proposed changes would have allowed the uniform manifest to be prepared and transmitted electronically from the generator to the disposal facility, rather than requiring it to accompany the shipment. EPA is deferring final action on the electronic manifest pending further analysis, outreach, and possible supplemental proposals. Therefore, PHMSA is withdrawing an NPRM published on August 8, 2001, that would have amended the Hazardous Materials Regulations on the use of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for shipments of hazardous wastes. The changes proposed in that NPRM would have accommodated changes proposed by EPA. PHMSA proposed to require that, if the generator of a hazardous waste prepares an electronic manifest, either a physical copy of the electronic manifest or another document containing the information required for a shipping paper must accompany the hazardous waste in transportation.