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RMSEF Security Template or Overlay

Problems may be encountered printing the large chart on page 4 of the pdf (page 3 of the document) depending on the printer setup and the version of Adobe Reader used. The image may appear blurred. This occurs when the entire document is printed and only on the page with the large chart. It can be solved by separately printing just page 4 of the pdf and substituting this page in the whole document. Alternatively, checking the "print as image" block in the upper right corner of the Adobe Reader print menu solves this problem.

A related twelve-step "Chemical Facility Vulnerability Assessment Model" has been developed by the National Institute of Justice in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories as a tool for assessing the potential security risks at chemical facilities.

[NOTE: The attached documents are in PDF format, you can download a free viewer.  If you have problems accessing the PDFs or the information, report your problem for further assistance.]