Archived Rulemaking: Transportation of liquids by pipeline; Offshore pipeline facilities
By letter dated September 14, 1970, the American Petroleum Institute (API), acting on behalf of its members who gather gas offshore, petitioned for reconsideration of Amendment 192,-27 to 49 CPR Part 192, Issued by the Materials Transportation Bureau (1WB) on August 9, 1976 (41 FR 34598, August 16, 1976). Amendment 192-27 modified many of the regulations In Part 192 applicable to offshore gas pipelines, and for the first time, -subjected certain offshore gas gathering lines to applicable standards for design, construction, testing, operation, and maintenance. As stated in the preamble to Amendment 102-27, with certain exceptions and extensions of time for compliance, the new and amended rules become effective for offshore gathering lines November 1, 1976.