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Gas Gathering Performance Metrics

Protecting America's Safety

Gas Gathering pipeline operators are required to submit Annual Reports per 191.17 on their pipeline infrastructure which includes data on leaks from their pipeline systems. PHMSA and State Pipeline Safety Programs use these reports, which are due on March 15 for the previous calendar year, to monitor and report on industry progress in meeting the requirements of the gas gathering regulations.

Gas Gathering pipeline operators are required to submit Incident Reports per 191.15 for an event which exceeds thresholds in 191.3 for the definition of an incident. PHMSA and State Pipeline Safety Programs use these reports for investigation of an incident and other evaluations. Incident reports are due as soon as practicable but not more than 30 days after detection of an incident required to be reported under §191.5.

Leaks and Incidents provides visual and quantitative information on Gas Gathering leaks and incidents data collected by PHMSA.

The Leaks section shows the Gas Gathering pipelines leaks by-year and by-cause data collected for Types C and R pipelines beginning in 2022 along with the leaks by-year and by-cause data collected for Types A, B, and Offshore pipelines since 2010. The data consists of the total number of leaks which were repaired or otherwise eliminated and the assigned cause from Operator's submitted Annual Reports. Leak causes are defined in Part M of the Instructions for completing an Annual Report located at Annual Report.

The Incident section shows the Gas Gathering incidents by-year and by-cause data collected for Type C and R pipelines beginning in 2022 and for Type A, B, and Offshore pipelines since 2010. Incident causes are defined in Part G of the instructions for completing an Incident Report located at Incident Report.