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Interpretation Response #PI-75-032 ([Southern California Gas Company] [R. I. Snyder])

Below is the interpretation response detail and a list of regulations sections applicable to this response.

Interpretation Response Details

Response Publish Date:

Company Name: Southern California Gas Company

Individual Name: R. I. Snyder

Location State: CA Country: US

View the Interpretation Document

Response text:

June 24, 1975

Mr. R. I. Snyder
Executive Vice President
Southern California Gas Company
Box 3249 Terminal Annex
Los Angeles, California 90051

Dear Mr. Snyder:

This responds to your letter of May 15, 1975, asking us to reconsider an interpretation published
in the July 1974 issue of the Advisory Bulletin. That interpretation provides that in uprating steel
pipelines operated at 100 psi or more with hoop stresses less than 30 percent SMYS to a pressure
permitted by Section 192.619(a)(2)(ii), a pressure test must be performed.

We have reviewed the arguments presented in your letter and feel that the interpretation is
correct. We would like to point out however that the pressure test required in uprating to a
maximum allowable operating pressure permitted by Section 192.619(a)(2)(ii) need not be a
hydrostatic test. The test may be conducted with the gas being transported.

We appreciate your interest in pipeline safety.


Joseph C. Caldwell
Office of Pipeline Safety

Regulation Sections