Effort Allocation
Operator compliance with the minimum federal safety standards is critical to preventing pipeline system failures and leaks. PHMSA's Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) encourages compliance by investigating failures when they occur and inspecting pipeline operator programs, records, and facilities. When compliance issues are identified, OPS takes enforcement action. OPS actively engages pipeline safety stakeholders with educational and awareness programs, especially for excavation damage prevention.
When OPS has a State Pipeline Safety partner, state agency staff perform the functions described above for intrastate facilities.
PHMSA's pipeline safety regulations were originally established in the early 1970s and were based primarily on industry consensus standards in effect at the time. However, PHMSA has supplemented and updated these regulations numerous times throughout the years. Along with these changes, the OPS inspection program has evolved over the years as well. When PHMSA promulgated significant new regulatory programs, like integrity management and operator qualification in the early 2000's, OPS conducted focused inspections to ensure the new regulations were fully understood and effectively implemented. By the end of the 2000s, operator implementation of these new regulatory programs had matured, and OPS recognized a need to schedule inspections based on risk information and data, rather than on new regulatory programs.
Beginning around 2008, OPS began testing an integrated inspection process utilizing risk information and data to better focus inspection resources on higher-risk facilities and areas of concern. By using data about a specific pipeline system, an inspector can identify regulatory requirements that will have the highest priority during an inspection. This data-driven process allows OPS to focus inspection resources on regulatory provisions which address the greatest identified risks and concerns on each system. In 2013, OPS began using the integrated inspection process for gas gathering, gas transmission, and hazardous liquid/carbon dioxide pipeline systems.
OPS also implemented a data-informed tool to assist with scheduling integrated inspections. The Risk-Ranking Index Model (RRIM) uses data to assign pipeline facilities to a risk tier and determine the highest priorities for inspection.
For more information about RRIM visit the links below:
Risk-Ranking Index Model Summary
Risk-Ranking Index Model Documentation
*OPS inspects gas distribution facilities, liquefied natural gas plants, and underground natural gas storage facilities periodically.