HMEP Code of Federal Regulations
HMEP Code of Federal Regulations
Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 -- Transportation, Chapter I -- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, Part 110 -- Hazardous Materials Public Sector Training and Planning Grants.
Table of Contents
110.1 Purpose
110.5 Scope
110.7 Control Number under the Paperwork Reduction Act
110.10 Eligibility
110.20 Definitions
110.30 Grant application
110.40 Activities eligible for funding
110.50 Disbursement of Federal funds
110.60 Cost sharing for planning and training
110.70 Financial administration
110.80 Procurement
110.90 Grant monitoring, reports, and records retention
110.100 Enforcement
110.110 After-grant requirements
110.120 Deviation from this part
110.130 Disputes