Inspection, Investigation and Enforcement Manual Version 2.1 - October 5, 2017 (PDF)
The policies and procedures described in this manual draw on the knowledge and experience
of the Field Operations’ investigators, National Field Leadership Team (NFLT) and legal
staff from across the agency. Designed as a job aid, a training guide, and a desk reference,
this manual contains procedures and guidance used to support the Field Operations program.
The OHMS Field Operations staff employs a highly-skilled workforce that is responsible for
monitoring, educating, and enforcing the regulated industry’s compliance and understanding
of the HMR. To align with the agency’s safety mission, field staff is encouraged to use this
manual as a tool to maintain consistency and quality across their required duties, and where
necessary, modify stakeholder behavior through enforcement; education, engagement, and
outreach via the Hazardous Materials Safety Assistance (HMSAT) program; and/or the
Systems Integrity Safety Program (SISP) that encourages continuous improvement. The
more consistently the Field Operations' staff performs inspections and investigations, or
outreach through the HMSAT or SISP programs, the more industry will adhere to best safety
practices and ultimately compliance with the HMR.
This manual includes checklists, forms, and examples of documentation that the Field
Operations staff members use throughout the lifecycle of their investigation, inspection and
enforcement activities. This manual is available for public review, as required by the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552). Interested parties may direct constructive comments and
recommendations to the Deputy Associate Administrator of Hazardous Materials Safety Field Operations (DAAFO). Other agencies may use this manual in the orientation and training of their hazardous material (hazmat) personnel.