Hazardous Materials Safety Inspection (HMSI)
The Hazardous Materials State Inspection (HMSI) Grant is a new financial assistance program (as of FY 2022) that provides grants to states for the performance of hazardous material shipper inspections that leverage available resources, improve the safety of hazardous materials transport, reduce fatalities, and reduce injuries.
Funding: Up to $2.5 million
Examples: Cost of hazmat shipper inspections to include personnel, travel, equipment, supplies, and training for hazmat inspectors.
Related Links
- Delphi eInvoicing System
- FY2020 Supplemental Public Sector Training Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity
- Hazmat Grants Portal
- PHMSA Hazmat Grants Program Overview
- Guidelines for Hazardous Materials Response, Planning and Prevention/Mitigation Training
- Hazardous Materials Incident Response & Operations Training Modules
- 49 USC 5107(e): Hazmat Employee Training Requirements and Grants
- 49 USC 5128(c): Authorization of Appropriations
- National Association of SARA Title III Program Officials (NASTTPO)