Work-Life Programs
PHMSA offers various work-life programs that create an environment where employees are their best at work, home, and in their communities. Key work-life programs offered to PHMSA employees include:
Alternative Work Schedules
The agency offers flexible and compressed work schedules, jointly referred to as alternative work schedules (AWS), in accordance with agency policy and employee’s manager’s discretion. The AWS Handbook provides detailed information on the administration of alternative work schedules. However, this handbook does not cover every situation that may arise under an alternative work schedule or other work scheduling options.
Telework is another program offered, in accordance with agency policy, employee performance, and the employee’s manager’s discretion. This is the ability to work at an alternate location other than the employee's "official duty station." PHMSA encourages the use of telework to the maximum extent possible. Employees eligible and approved to telework must execute a telework agreement with his/her supervisor that covers the terms and conditions of the telework arrangement.
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work –related problems including:
- Employee and organizational challenges/needs
- Mental and/or emotional well-being
- Substance Abuse
- Stress
- Grief
- Family Problems
- Psychological Disorders
Fitness Center
The heart of this program is the Fitness Center that helps DOT and other Federal employees feel and look better, maintain good health and be more productive. All DOT federal employees are eligible for membership.
Credit Union
The Transportation Federal Credit Union provides employees an opportunity to get financially fit. The credit union is a not-for-profit financial institution owned and operated by its members. Financial services and solutions fit employees’ lifestyles – from accounts to help beginner savers to savings tools for retirement, and other financing options.