Liquid Pipeline Advisory Committee (LPAC) - Committee Roster and Biographies
Roster and Biographies - Liquid Pipeline Advisory Committee (LPAC)
The individuals listed to the below were appointed by the Secretary of Transportation to serve on the LPAC. The letter in parenthesis shows the group represented — government, industry, or public.
Government | Industry | Public |
Mr. Matt Smith (G) Assistant Director |
Mr. Shawn M. Lyon (I) Senior Vice President |
Mr. Mike Mikich (P) Special Representative |
Mr. Jeffrey G. Lantz, USCG, Retired (G) Director |
Mr. Graham W. Bacon (I) Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer |
Mr. Jack Willingham (P) Director |
Mr. James Hosler (G) Assistant Deputy Director |
Ms. Stephanie Wilson (I) Vice President |
Ms. Sarah K. Magruder Lyle (P) President and CEO |
Mr. Jon Wolfgram (G) Chief Engineer & Program Manager |
Ms. Melanie Little (I) President and Chief Executive Officer |
Mr. Richard Kuprewicz (P) President |
Mr. Eric Miller (G) Chief, Oil Spill Preparedness Division |
Mr. James Holland (I) Chief Operations Officer |
Mr. Bill Caram (P) Executive Director |