Archived Rulemaking: Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline: Protecting cast-iron pipelines
This amendment to Part 192 adds a new § 192.755 to Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations concerning protection of burled cast-iron pipelines. The new rule requires an operator to provide protection against the potential for damage which arises when the support for a buried cast-iron pipeline is disturbed, either by the operator or otherwise. On June 23, 1975, the Director, Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) issued Notice 75-3 (40 FR 27244, June 27, 1975), pro- posing that § 192.755 be added to the existing regulations In Part 192. After Notice 75-3 was Issued, the OPS was abolished, and authority to -administer pipeline safety matters was delegated to the Director of the newly established materials Transportation Bureau (MTB) (40 FR 20821, July 23, 1975).