Archived Rulemaking: Transportation of Liquids by Pipeline
This final rule amends the liquid pipeline safety regulations in Part 195 to conform with and reflect its issuance under the authority of the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979 (Title 11 of Pub. L 96-129, November 30,1979) (HLPSA) and incorporates a number of HLPSA provisions into Part 195. Briefly, this document:
1. Cites the HLPSA as the statutory authority for Part 195;
2. Incorporates HLPSA terminology and definitions into Part 195;
3. Restricts the application of Part 195 to pipelines used for moving petroleum, petroleum products, or anhydrous ammoma in interstate or foreign commerce.
4. Distinguishes interstate and intrastate pipeline facilities;
5. Increases from $1,000 to $5,000 the dollar amount of property damage that triggers operator accident reporting;
6. Provides for the preparation, maintenance, and carrying out of inspection and maintenance plans as required by the HLPSA; and
7 Incorporates current DOT organizational designation.