Archived Rulemaking: Gas in Transmission Lines; Odorization Requirements
The Office of Pipeline Safety is considering amending Part 192 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to require odorization of gas in certain transmission lines, and to prescribe special patrolling and leakage survey requirements for transmission lines on the basis of their class location and whether or not they are carrying odorized gas. Interested persons are invited to comment on the proposed amendment by submitting written information, views, or arguments. Communications should be identified by the notice number and docket number and submitted in duplicate to the Office of Pipeline Safety, Departmentof Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590. Comments received by Sept. 28, 1973, will be considered before final action is taken on the proposal. All comments received will be 'available for examination by interested persons in the Rules Docket at the Office of Pipeline Safety.