Archived Rulemaking: Drug Testing: MIS Standardized Data Collection and Reporting
Today's Federal Register contains a notice of proposed rulemaking issued by the Department of Transportation regarding the collection and reporting of drug and alcohol testing data. The Department's proposed rule concerns a DOT plan to measure the effectiveness of drug testing programs in all DOT-regulated modes of transportation, including pipeline, The present RSPA notice proposes a rule that is necessary to carry out the DOT plan with respect to pipeline operators. Together. the two proposed rules would require pipeline operators who are subject to drug and alcohol testing requirements to report annually to RSPA certain information about their drug and alcohol testing programs. RSPA would use the data to analyze its current approach to deterring and detecting illegal drug and alcohol misuse use in the pipeline Industry, and, as appropriate, plan a more efficient and effective approach. Elsewhere in today's Federal Register is the parallel "MIS" NPRM regarding 49 CFR part 40. The preamble to that NPRM contains many comments. discussions and questions that should be considered in reviewing this Operating Administration NPRM. Your comments on this NPRM should indicate that you are responding to questions or comments in the generic NPRM under 49 CFR part 40 or the specific NPRM under this Operating Administration rile.