Interpretation Response #PI-72-038 ([Memo: Internal])
Below is the interpretation response detail and a list of regulations sections applicable to this response.
Interpretation Response Details
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Company Name: Memo: Internal
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Country: US
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Response text:
August 16, 1972
Definition of "Business District"
Operation & Compliance Officer
Marshall Taylor
This is to assist you in defining the term "business district" as set forth in Section 192.723, 49 CFR.
A "business district" is an area marked by the distinguishing characteristic of being used in the conducting of buying and selling commodities and services, and related transactions. A "business district" would normally be associated with the assembly of people in shops, offices and the like, and in the conduct of such business.
It is the responsibility of the operator to determine if an area is a "business district".
Signed: Joseph C. Caldwell
For: Cesar DeLeon, TSA-36