Interpretation Response #PI-71-016 ([Treasurer's Office State of Fla.] [S. Stapleton])
Below is the interpretation response detail and a list of regulations sections applicable to this response.
Interpretation Response Details
Response Publish Date:
Company Name: Treasurer's Office State of Fla.
Individual Name: S. Stapleton
Location State: FL Country: US
View the Interpretation Document
Response text:
February 9, 1971
Mr. S. Stapleton
Chief of Bureau of Biguefied
Petroleum Gas
Treasurer's Office State of Fla.
Tallahassee, Florida 32304
Dear Mr. Stapleton:
This is in reply to Mr. Gresimer's letter of December 28, 1970,
concerning the requirements of 49 CFR, Part 192 as applied to
liquid petroleum gas distribution system.
During the rulemaking process which resulted in the issuance of
Part 192 representations on behalf of the LP gas industry similar
to those contained in your letter were made to this Office by the
trade association representing that industry, both in writing and
The trade association was formally requested to provide us with
factual information supporting its claim that the regulations
should apply only to companies of larger size than those
regulated under Part 192. No such information has been provided
and, without it we have no basis for considering a change in our
The regulations concerning the reporting of accidents apply to
the smaller systems with 10 or more customers to the same degree
that they apply to the larger ones.
Thank you for your interest in the pipeline safety program.
Joseph C. Caldwell
Director, Acting
Office of Pipeline Safety