Interpretation Response #PI-70-018 ([Gray & Ductile Iron Founders' Society, Inc.] [Charles F. Walton])
Below is the interpretation response detail and a list of regulations sections applicable to this response.
Interpretation Response Details
Response Publish Date:
Company Name: Gray & Ductile Iron Founders' Society, Inc.
Individual Name: Charles F. Walton
Location State: OH Country: US
View the Interpretation Document
Response text:
Mr. Charles F. Walton
Technical Director
Gray & Ductile Iron Founders' Society, Inc.
National City - East Sixth Building
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Dear Mr. Walton:
This is in reply to your letter of November 9, 1970, requesting an interpretation of 49 CFR,
Section 192.145. Specifically, you requested information as to whether, under the regulation,
welding is permitted on ductile iron components in the manufacturing process when closely
controlled metallurgical procedures are employed.
In answer to a similar request for interpretation we have replied as follows:
"Section 192.145 (c)(2) is taken directly from the B31.8, 1968, paragraph 831.11(b) and
prohibits such welding."
We hope this answers your question. If you have further questions feel free to ask.
Joseph C. Caldwell
Director, Acting
Office of Pipeline Safety