Interpretation Response #PI-70-0105 ([Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.] [Mr. George W. White])
Below is the interpretation response detail and a list of regulations sections applicable to this response.
Interpretation Response Details
Response Publish Date:
Company Name: Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.
Individual Name: Mr. George W. White
Location State: TX Country: US
View the Interpretation Document
Response text:
September 29, 1970
Mr. George W. White
Vice President
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.
P.O. Box 2511
Houston, Texas 77001
Dear Mr. White:
This is in reply to your letter concerning the application of section 192.167 (a)(4)(ii), of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.
It is our interpretation, that the regulation does not forbid your practice of placing one emergency shutdown location close to the portion of a compressor station most likely to be occupied, provided that there are also two places of operation that are near the exit gates in the station fence.
The regulations contained in Part 192 are minimum standards and are not intended in any way to limit practices which go beyond them in the interest of safety.
You may wish to raise this question at the meeting of the Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Committee schedules for October 29, 1970, at which the proposed agenda will include possible changes to the standards.
Thank you for your interest in pipeline standards.
Thank you for your interest in pipeline safety.
Original singed by;
Joseph C. Caldwell
Director, Acting
Office of Pipeline Safety
Regulation Sections
Section | Subject |
192.167 | Compressor stations: Emergency shutdown |