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Interpretation Response #14-0232 ([Acro Trailer Company] [Mr. Christopher Foshe])

Below is the interpretation response detail and a list of regulations sections applicable to this response.

Interpretation Response Details

Response Publish Date:

Company Name: Acro Trailer Company

Individual Name: Mr. Christopher Foshe

Location State: MO Country: US

View the Interpretation Document

Response text:

January 15, 2015

Mr. Christopher Foshe
Acro Trailer Company
2320 North Packer Road
Springfield, MO 65803

Reference No. 14-0232

Dear Mr. Foshe:

This is in response to your November 17, 2014 e-mail and November 20, 2014 telephone conversation with a member of my staff requesting clarification of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180) applicable to the specification plate requirements for cargo tanks. You state your company manufactures new cargo tanks that meet both the DOT 407 and DOT 412 design specifications. You ask if the HMR permit such cargo tanks to receive a variable specification plate that meets two different specification design requirements. We have paraphrased your questions and answered them in the order you provided.

Q1.  Does the HMR allow a variable specification plate to be placed on a newly constructed cargo tank that was originally rated for the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) and constructed to meet both the DOT 407 and 412 design specifications (e.g., DOT 407/412)? I have enclosed an example of a DOT 407/412 variable specification plate my company might use.

A1.  The answer is yes. Newly constructed cargo tanks that meet two design specifications must have a certificate signed by the responsible official of the manufacturer and a Registered Inspector certifying that the cargo tank, its certificate of construction, and specification plates meet both specification requirements prior to marking (see § 178.345-15(c)(2)).

Q2.  When a cargo tank is originally manufactured to meet two design specification requirements, do the HMR require that the cargo tank must be marked with the "variable specification" plate prescribed in § 178.345-14(e), and must comply with the certificate of compliance (COC) requirements in § 178.345-15(c)(2)?

A2.  The HMR require the manufacturer of a specification cargo tank to mark the cargo tank with a nameplate and specification plate that comply with § 178.345-15(b) for specification or American Society of Mechanical Engineers cargo tanks, and § 178.345-15(c) for variable specification cargo tanks. Further, the HMR require the manufacturer provide a COC for each cargo tank's design type listed in § 178.345-15(b) that the cargo tank is constructed to meet (see §§ 178.345-14(a) and 178.345-15(c)(2)).

I hope this satisfies your request.



T. Glenn Foster
Chief, Regulatory Review and Reinvention Branch
Standards and Rulemaking Division

178.345-15(c)(2), 178.345-14(e), 178.345-15(b)

Regulation Sections