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Interpretation Response #13-0238 ([Veolia ES Technical Services LLC] [Mr. Richard Finnegan])

Below is the interpretation response detail and a list of regulations sections applicable to this response.

Interpretation Response Details

Response Publish Date:

Company Name: Veolia ES Technical Services LLC

Individual Name: Mr. Richard Finnegan

Location State: MA Country: US

View the Interpretation Document

Response text:

February 5, 2014

Mr. Richard Finnegan
Veolia ES Technical Services LLC
398 Cedar Hill Street
Marlboro, MA   01752

Ref. No. 13-0238

Dear Mr. Finnegan:

This responds to your November 15, 2013 request for clarification of the labeling requirements under the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180).  Specifically, you seek clarification on the requirement for a contrasting background, or a dotted or solid line outer border, specified under § 172.406(d).

According to your letter, a third party wants to place labels for Division 6.1 and Class 9 materials on non-bulk packages that are white in color.  Since both the non-bulk packages and Division 6.1 and Class 9 labels are white in color, the labels do not contrast with the background.  You ask if a label with a dashed line outer border would comply with the requirements specified in § 172.406(d).

Based on your scenario and enclosed pictures of labels, it is the opinion of this office that your labels comply with § 172.406(d) which requires each label to be printed on or affixed to a background of contrasting color, or have a dotted or solid line outer border.      

I hope this answers your inquiry.  If you need additional assistance, please contact this office at (202) 366-8553.


Robert Benedict
Chief, Standards Development Branch
Standards and Rulemaking Division


Regulation Sections

Section Subject
172.406 Placement of labels