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Archived HazMat Rulemakings: 1979-1981

Hazmat Rulemakings from 1979-1981
FR DateRule NameDocket NumberRulemaking ActionFR Citation
12/24/1981Specification and Usage Requirements for 3AL Seamless, Aluminum CylindersHM-176FR46 FR 62452
12/21/1981Transportation of Limited Quantities of Radioactive Materials and DevicesHM-166FNPRM46 FR 61908
12/3/1981Conversion of Individual Exemptions to Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139DFR46 FR 58693
11/30/1981Listing of Hazardous MaterialsHM-145CFR46 FR 58086
11/9/1981Shipment of Hazardous Materials; Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166GFR46 FR 55266
10/22/1981Dispersant and Refrigerant Gases; Removal of Obsolete Compliance Reporting RequirementsHM-166HFR46 FR 51775
10/19/1981Enforcement Procedures and Related Miscellaneous Proposals; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-138ANPRM46 FR 51261
10/15/1981Identification Numbers Requirement; Extension of Compliance DateHM-126AFR45 FR 50800
10/8/1981Shipment of Hazardous Materials; Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166GFR46 FR 49889
10/8/1981Dispersant and Refrigerant Gases; Removal of Obsolete Reporting RequirementsHM-166HFR46 FR 49883
9/24/1981Enforcement Procedures and Related Miscellaneous ProposalsHM-138ANPRM46 FR 47091
9/24/1981Transportation of Anhydrous Ammonia in Intrastate CommerceHM-166KNPRM46 FR 47099
9/14/1981Carriage of Tear Gas Devices Aboard Aircraft; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-166JNPRM46 FR 45652
9/14/1981Definition Oxidizer; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-179ANPRM46 FR 45652
9/3/1981Definition of Flammable Solid; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-178ANPRM46 FR 44198
8/24/1981Specifications for Tank CarsHM-174FR46 FR 42678
8/10/1981Carriage of Tear Gas Devices Aboard AircraftHM-166JNPRM46 FR 40540
7/23/1981Placarding Empty Tank CarsHM-180ANPRM46 FR 37951
7/16/1981Intermodal Portable Tanks; Delay of Certain Compliance DatesHM-167FR46 FR 36860
6/22/1981Use of United Nations Shipping Descriptions; CorrectionHM-171FR46 FR 32250
6/15/1981Definition of OxidizerHM-179ANPRM46 FR 31294
6/4/1981Conversion of Individual Exemptions into Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139DNPRM46 FR 29973
6/4/1981Requirements for Transportation of Wet Electric Storage BatteriesHM-173NPRM46 FR 29968
6/1/1981Use of United Nations Shipping DescriptionsHM-171FR46 FR 29392
5/28/1981International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code; Matter Incorporated by ReferenceHM-22FR46 FR 28657
5/18/1981Transportation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Intrastate CommerceHM-166INPRM46 FR 27146
5/7/1981Definition of Flammable SolidHM-178ANPRM46 FR 25492
4/30/1981Intermodal Portable Tanks; CorrectionHM-167FR46 FR 24183
4/30/1981Intermodal Portable Tanks--"Trailer-on-Flatcar Service"HM-167FR46 FR 24185
4/30/1981Air Transportation of Limited Quantities of Low-Level Radioactive Materials; Exemption RenewalHM-149CFR46 FR 24184
4/27/1981Withdrawal of Bureau of Explosives Delegations of Authority and Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-163EFR46 FR 23462
4/16/1981Withdrawal of Bureau of Explosives Delegations of Authority and Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-163EFR46 FR 22194
4/9/1981Air Transportation of Limited Quantities of Low-Level Radioactive Materials; Exemption RenewalHM-149CNPRM46 FR 21202
3/30/1981Shippers; General Requirements for Shipments and Packagings; CorrectionHM-174FR46 FR 19236
3/30/1981Listing of Hazardous MaterialsHM-145CFR46 FR 19235
3/19/1981Ammonium Hydroxide; Shippers General Requirements for Shipments and PackagingsHM-166GFR46 FR 17564
3/19/1981Listing of Hazardous MaterialsHM-145CFR46 FR 17738
1/29/1981Intermodal Portable TanksHM-167FR46 FR 9880
1/26/1981Shippers; Specifications for Tank CarsHM-174FR46 FR 8005
1/26/1981Public Hearing and Request for Comments on Trailer-on-Flatcar Transportation of Hazardous MaterialsHM-177NPRM46 FR 8055
1/19/1981Radioactive Materials; Routing and Driver Training RequirementsHM-164FR46 FR 5298
1/8/1981Shipment of Hazardous Materials; Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166GNPRM46 FR 2126
1/8/1981Hazardous Materials Table and Hazardous Materials Communications Regulations; Shippers--General Regulations for Shipments and Packagings; Dispersant and Refrigerant GasesHM-166HNPRM46 FR 2121
12/16/1980Limited Quantities of Radioactive Materials; CorrectionHM-166FANPRM45 FR 82681
12/11/1980Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-56FR45 FR 81569
12/8/1980General Information, Regulations, and Definitions; Change in Mailing Address for Hazardous Materials Incident ReportsHM-36AFR45 FR 80829
12/8/1980Limited Quantities of Radioactive MaterialsHM-166FANPRM45 FR 80843
11/10/1980Identification Numbers, Hazardous Wastes, Hazardous Substances, International Descriptions, Improved Descriptions, Forbidden Materials, and Organic PeroxidesHM-118; HM-126A; HM-126B; HM-145A; HM-145B; HM-159; HM-171FR45 FR 74640
11/6/1980Elimination of Certain Reporting RequirementsHM-36AFR45 FR 73682
10/20/1980Withdrawal of Certain Bureau of Explosives Delegations of Authority and Proposed Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-163ENPRM45 FR 69272
10/16/1980Shipment of Hazardous Materials by Air; Miscellaneous Proposals; RevisionHM-166BFR45 FR 68653
9/18/1980Hazardous Materials Regulations; Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166DFR45 FR 62079
9/11/1980Termination of Certain Regulations; Obsolete Packaging SpecificationHM-166CFR45 FR 59887
9/4/1980Specification and Usage Requirements for 3AL Seamless, Aluminum CylindersHM-176NPRM45 FR 58632
8/14/1980Specification and Usage Requirements for 3AL Seamless, Aluminum CylindersHM-176NPRM45 FR 54097
7/31/1980Shippers; Specifications for Tank CarsHM-174NPRM45 FR 50840
7/28/1980Labeling of Radioactive Materials PackagesHM-169FR45 FR 49939
7/21/1980Shippers; Specifications for Tank CarsHM-174NPRM45 FR 48671
7/21/1980Shippers-Specifications for Tank CarsHM-175ANPRM45 FR 48668
7/21/1980Conversion of Individual Exemptions to Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139CNPRM45 FR 48631
7/17/1980Hazardous Materials Aboard Aircraft; CorrectionHM-168FR45 FR 47843
7/10/1980Conversion of Exemptions to Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139CFR45 FR 46419
7/10/1980Identification Numbers, Hazardous WastesHM-126A; HM-145A; HM-171FR45 FR 46417
6/30/1980Identification Numbers, Hazardous Substances, International DescriptionsHM-126A; HM-145B; HM-171FR45 FR 43761
6/16/1980Elimination of Certain Reporting RequirementsHM-36ANPRM45 FR 40627
5/27/1980Hazardous Materials Aboard AircraftHM-168FR45 FR 35329
5/22/1980Identification Numbers, Hazardous Wastes, Hazardous Substances, International Descriptions, Improved Descriptions, Forbidden Materials, and Organic PeroxidesHM-118; HM-126A; HM-126B; HM-145A; HM-145B; HM-159; HM-171FR45 FR 34560
5/22/1980Highway Routing of Radioactive Materials; Additional Public Hearings; Extension of Time for Public CommentHM-164NPRM45 FR 34316
5/19/1980Hazardous Materials Regualtions; Withdrawal of Certain Bureau of Explosives Delegations of AuthorityHM-163DFR45 FR 32692
5/19/1980Shipments by Hazardous Materials by Air; Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166EFR45 FR 32690
5/15/1980Highway Routing of Radioactive Materials; Additional Public Hearings; Extension of Time for Public CommentHM-164NPRM45 FR 32030
4/14/1980Shipment of Hazardous Materials; Proposed Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166DNPRM45 FR 25083
3/27/1980Requirements for Transportation of Radioactive MaterialsHM-152FR45 FR 20097
3/24/1980Conversion of Individual Exemptions into Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139CNPRM45 FR 18994
3/6/1980Highway Routing of Radioactive Materials; Public HearingHM-164NPRM45 FR 14609
2/28/1980International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code; Matter Incorporated by ReferenceHM-22FR45 FR 13091
2/28/1980Shipment of Hazardous Materials by Air; Miscellaneous ProposalsHM-166BFR45 FR 13087
2/28/1980Public Meetings and Request for Comment on the Transportation of Wet Electric Storage BatteriesHM-173ANPRM45 FR 13153
2/14/1980Marking and Record Retention Requirements for CylindersHM-172NPRM45 FR 9960
2/14/1980Matter Incorporated by ReferenceHM-22NPRM45 FR 9960
1/31/1980Aircraft Accessibility Requirements for Radioactive MaterialsHM-168FR45 FR 6946
1/31/1980Highway Routing of Radioactive MaterialsHM-164NPRM45 FR 7140
1/24/1980Conversion of Individual Exemptions to Regulations of General Applicability; Revision of Amendment 173-133HM-139BFR45 FR 5737
12/10/1979Detonators and Detonating PrimersHM-161FR44 FR 70721
11/26/1979Withdrawal of Certain Bureau of Explosives Delegations of AuthorityHM-163DNPRM44 FR 67476
11/19/1979Withdrawal of Certain Bureau of Explosives Delegation of AuthoritiesHM-163BFR44 FR 66197
11/8/1979Improved Descriptions of Hazardous Materials for Emergency ResponseHM-126BNPRM44 FR 65020
10/22/1979Requirements for Transportation of Radioactive Materials; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-169NPRM44 FR 60771
10/18/1979Conversion of Individual Exemptions to Regualtions of General ApplicabilityHM-139BFR44 FR 60097
10/18/1979Termination of Certain Regulations; Obsolete Packaging SpecificationHM-166CNPRM44 FR 60112
10/11/1979Forbidden MaterialsHM-159NPRM44 FR 58767
8/23/1979Research and Special Programs Administration; Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166AFR44 FR 49455
8/16/1979Transportation of Asbestos; Additional Revisions of Amendment No. 173-123HM-160FR44 FR 47937
8/16/1979Requirements for Transportation of Radioactive Materials; Reopening of Comment PeriodHM-169NPRM44 FR 47966
7/26/1979Display of Hazardous Materials Identification Numbers; Improved Emergency Response Capability; Descriptions for Organic Peroxides; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-126ANPRM44 FR 43858
7/26/1979Forbidden MaterialsHM-159NPRM44 FR 43861
7/26/1979Use of United Nations Shipping DescriptionsHM-171NPRM44 FR 43864
6/25/1979Individual Exemptions, Conversion to Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139BNPRM44 FR 37017
6/21/1979Cryogenic Liquids; Extension of Comment Period and Additional ProposalsHM-115NPRM44 FR 36211
6/18/1979General Information, Regulations, and Definitions; Matter Incorporated by ReferenceHM-22FR44 FR 34960
6/14/1979Display of Hazardous Materials Identification Numbers; Improved Emergency Response CapabilityHM-126ANPRM44 FR 34171
6/7/1979Display of Hazardous Materials Identification Numbers; Improved Emergency Response CapabilityHM-126ANPRM44 FR 32972
5/31/1979Blasting AgentsHM-143FR44 FR 31180
5/29/1979Matter Incorporated by ReferenceHM-22FR44 FR 30686
5/21/1979Shipment of Hazardous Materials by Air; Miscellaneous ProposalsHM-166BNPRM44 FR 29503
5/10/1979Transportation of Hazardous Substances; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-145BNPRM44 FR 27460
5/7/1979Shipping Container Specifications; Withdrawal of Certain Bureau of Explosives Delegation of AuthoritiesHM-163BNPRM44 FR 26772
5/3/1979Proposed Miscellaneous AmendmentsHM-166ANPRM44 FR 25886
4/30/1979Air Transportation of Limited Quantities of Low-Level Radioactive Materials; Exemption RenewalHM-149BFR44 FR 25238
4/23/1979Matter Incorporated by ReferenceHM-22NPRM44 FR 23880
4/19/1979Shipment of Hazardous Materials by WaterHM-166FR44 FR 23225
4/19/1979Requirements for Transportation of Radioactive Materials; Extension of Comment PeriodHM-169NPRM44 FR 23266
4/16/1979Label and Placard Colors CorrectionsHM-151AFR44 FR 22466
4/12/1979Conversion of Individual Exemptions to Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139AFR44 FR 21793
4/5/1979Cryogenic Liquids; Corrections and AdditionsHM-115NPRM44 FR 20461
4/5/1979Shippers--General Requirements for Shipments and Packaging; Specifications for Tank Cars; Marking of Tank Car TanksHM-170FR44 FR 20433
3/29/1979Transportation of Asbestos; Revision of Amendment No. 173-123; Effective Date ExtensionHM-160FR44 FR 18673
3/26/1979Approvals/Authorizations Issued by the Bureau of ExplosivesHM-163AFR44 FR 18027
3/15/1979Hazardous Materials Table and Hazardous Materials Communications Regulations; Carriage by AircraftHM-149BNPRM44 FR 15748
3/12/1979Specification 1M Glass Carboy in Polystyrene Packaging and Cancellation of Certain Obsolete Specification PackagingsHM-117FR44 FR 14194
3/8/1979Cryogenic LiquidsHM-115NPRM44 FR 12826
3/1/1979Hazardous SubstancesHM-145BNPRM44 FR 11569
2/22/1979Transportation of Hazardous SubstancesHM-145BNPRM44 FR 10676
2/15/1979Label and Placard ColorsHM-151AFR44 FR 9756
2/8/1979Transportation of Hazardous Waste MaterialsHM-145ANPRM44 FR 7988
1/29/1979Flattening Test for Seamless CylindersHM-156FR44 FR 5666
1/18/1979Matter Incorporated by ReferenceHM-22FR44 FR 3707
1/8/1979Location of Manholes Assemblies and  Certification Plates on Cargo TanksHM-136FR44 FR 1739
1/8/1979Individual Exemptions, Conversion to Regulations of General ApplicabilityHM-139ANPRM44 FR 1767
1/8/1979Requirements for Transportation of Radioactive MaterialsHM-169NPRM44 FR 1852