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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

PD-31(F): District of Columbia Ordinance prohibiting transportation of certain quantities of explosives, flammable gases, poisonous gases and other materials within the Capitol Exclusion Zone

PD-31F Preemption Description
PD and Docket Number ApplicantSubjectRulingDecision


American Trucking Associations, Inc.

District of Columbia requirements for highway routing of certain hazardous materials

Ordinance prohibiting transportation of certain quantities of explosives (Divisions 1.1 & 1.2), flammable gases, poisonous gases and other poisonous materials in Hazard Zones A & B within a 2.2 mile radius of the U.S. Capitol Building ("Capitol Exclusion Zone") is preempted for failure to comply with FMCSA standards for highway routing designations.

71 FR 18137 (4/10/06)