Gathering Pipelines FAQs
On November 11, 2021, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued a second major rulemaking on the safety of gas gathering pipelines (86 FR 63266). In association with this rulemaking, PHMSA has developed new guidance covering the requirements for the new classifications of onshore gathering lines introduced by the final rule: Type C regulated gathering lines and Type R gathering lines subject to reporting only.
This new guidance and the prior guidance covering requirements for offshore, Type A, and Type B gathering lines are linked below.
Education and prevention are key components of pipeline safety, so in addition to learning more about gathering pipelines, the public should also remember to call 811, a nationwide toll-free number, before beginning a digging project to learn the location of pipelines that may be underground. Also visit PHMSA's State Pipeline Profiles to learn more about pipeline mileage, incident reports and the entities that regulate pipelines.